Completing the SA ID VERIFICATION form correctly is critically important.
Any athlete who's form is not completed and stamped as follows will ONLY be able to participate under protest and will NOT medal or be considered for selection into any Western Cape schools team.
Fill in all the athlete’s detail INCLUDING the athlete's Cemis Number.
Paste or scan the BIRTH CERTIFICATE on the form (if it is the new ID Card, please scan and paste the back AND front of the card). PLEASE NOTE: The Birth Certificate must be reduced to fit on the paper in the space provided. No Birth Certificate may hang over the paper or be stapled to the back of the paper.
Paste an ORIGINAL ID SIZE PHOTO in the right-hand upper corner.
The SCHOOL STAMP must partly be OVER the ID PHOTO (make sure most of the face is still visible - see example) and partly over the BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
Stamp must contain the date and must be signed by the Principal.
The Commissioner of Oaths stamp must be placed to the right at the bottom of the page (This does not have to be done by the police, your principal is also allowed to use his stamp.)
Fill in all the athlete’s detail INCLUDING the athlete's Cemis Number.
Paste or scan the BIRTH CERTIFICATE on the form (if it is the new ID Card, please scan and paste the back AND front of the card). PLEASE NOTE: The Birth Certificate must be reduced to fit on the paper in the space provided. No Birth Certificate may hang over the paper or be stapled to the back of the paper.
Paste an ORIGINAL ID SIZE PHOTO in the right-hand upper corner
The SCHOOL STAMP must partly COVER the ID PHOTO and the BIRTH CERTIFICATE (make sure most of the face is still visible - see example)
Stamp must contain the date and must be signed by the Principal.
The Commissioner of Oaths stamp must be placed to the right at the bottom of the page (This does not have to be done by the police, your principal is also allowed to use his stamp.)